As I am talking to Steven this morning, 我說工作上的事情, Steven今天才被經理說輕挑, 很難過, 給了我以下評語:

人生就是這樣 可以從頭做是運氣 不用從頭做是福氣 明天不想做是賭氣 死了不再做是嗝了最後一口氣

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It's not my day!

This morning before I want to ride my lovely silver car, I did the routine check up my dad always told me - circle around your car and look if anything is wrong with your car. left front tire seems....a little bit flat...
oh no! it is somewhat flat...

For safety reason, I stoped and called VTEC.
I also called my boss, Emily.  But she is so sick and can't go to work today.

Then I went to the closest gas station to check my tire pressure.  It's 30 lbs and the owner said it seems fine to him.  Looks like that I worried too much about it.  But I still put some air inside...I am not pretty sure if I did it seems right...

After that, I accidentally forget to put the small cap back to the air hole and it makes me a pig head again...damn...I have to drive back to the gas station to pick it up....

Today, since Matt is out for business trip, Emily is sick, and Todd is off today, those job loads for us are heavy for us....well, for ME!  One guy doing three guys' job is no fun!  I am exhausted today.  But I was late this morning so I should keep doing my work here till it's 8 hours done today. 

Recently I got bad lucks...I need some good lucks.  I don't want to be pig head anymore!

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可憐的Justin被我們凹來Irvine, 帶著高級KTV傢伙過來的~
還有啤酒 外加我準備給這種場合喝的...Merot紅酒 (好吧!我承認我本來是不知道Merot是甜點酒...) Party 就是這樣開始的...

我太累了 改天再寫...

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I am high

I am sad

Don't ask me why

you don't want to know

I am tired

but I can't sleep

I need some ... something

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I didn't know that we have blog here before...

Let me see see what will happen?

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